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She has no to fly!









Rank: 2

發表於 2014-11-30 15:47:31 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
In the unit, I might be the envy of all men the most: successfully obtain civil service after graduating from college, and finally into the airline offices, just in his early thirties was promoted to director of the Office. When reached marriageable age, and timely knowledge of the just retired flight attendant jobs by foreign companies hired for the HR manager's wife. After they married, in the interest subsidy units in the southern section of the East Third Ring Panjiayuan has a 150 square meters of housing. Married a year, adding a lovely son, again followed by a one-time payment of the way, open back of Santana.

House, car, wife, son, all of which I have a ticket.

Gentle and beautiful wife, but I began to feel more and more that he did not passion wife. After becoming car owners, work colleagues will inevitably take my ride, ride the most is the little secretary joined the company shortly. She lived in the vicinity of the World Trade Bridge, and I stopped. Young secretary has just graduated from college, it is the Mood for Love. Enter the lucrative airline, holding a lot of money to spare no effort to dress themselves naturally, from cosmetics to new fashion, let me see dazzling day. My heart began to spend, although no substantive progress yet, but I know that step taken sooner or later. Home, watching the sweet wife to feed his son to eat, how much will my heart a little guilty. However, the heart is still the beginning of the inevitable departure, I even began to look forward to the early arrival of that world.

So the December 7, from 14:00 start Durian snow began to fall down on the ground during the afternoon after work have a thin layer, I walked out of the office without the slightest hesitation, drove out. Co-pilot sitting on the course, small secretary, the car of the airport expressway, the situation is not good, and usually the way to go over 100 yards speed may abruptly crowded road a lot, barely on the Chang'an Avenue in the morning run speed forward little by little rub. Based on past experience, as long as the City of Victoria a downtown "obstruction" tricyclic definitely "constipation", but the car at high speed on the slightest help people. 8:30, and finally on the Third Ring Road around Sanyuan Bridge, just on the Third Ring Road, the car, eyes dark mass of the car suddenly I gasped, the new century, the most serious misfortune large traffic jam! The phone rang at this time, is his wife calling. She said she had to walk home, the children have been picked up. She asked me what time is estimated to be home, I casually said: "12 o'clock on the good to be home before you go to bed earlier," then hung up the phone. Young secretary finally mended mirror lipstick, lip at L'Oreal Magic Yan lip moisturizer such as crystal temptation, but excuse Heating and hot off the coat, a sky blue pearl sweater tight curves of the body outline most vividly, do tackle snowy night in this man happens to make me look forward to the story it?

Just ready for small Secretary hinted, the phone rang again, is a friend, he also stuck in a halfway estimated bad and I met him as he phoned and I complained to pass the time, unconsciously Time has come to 10:00, the car phone effort has been slowly creeping forward with, a full hour and a half ahead of only about less than 2 km. In the nearby farming museum finally creeping tired, in turn collective lie down. Ready to open again the courage, the wife's phone again and asked me to where I am impatient to tell she was still Agricultural Exhibition. The right hand resting lightly on the shoulder of a small secretary, a move her shoulder, my hand slipped down. I do not know if she is turned down or half-hearted, not to act rashly. I had to terminate bold behavior, began to have a ride without a ride to the topic of gossip, and she was looking for, one hour has passed. Allah the car's CD player for Celine Dion spoke once popular "Titanic" and then gently transferred to love this theme, finally around to the subject, and then the rest is just a little bit of my cues and Small secretary responded.

At this critical moment, the phone again, or his wife. Or ask me now where I told her I had to fight back anger to the Jingguang Bridge, his wife is very happy to tell me:. "I'm exhausted, I finally found you soon come to Guanghua bridge now, and I afraid you are hungry, a good pot of soup served in a thermos came out, afraid of the car to find you and you missed it, had to walk down the tricyclic come to you. By the way, I'll be on your side of the road * sub-teeth move forward, if you see me, call me cry, and I look hard plates along the way, the eyes have been spent, can leak Do you have passed. "

Wife hung up the phone, I started in a daze: wife soup full of hope for me, to walk from Panjiayuan Bridge brilliance sent me, but I was in the car, plan how to attract another girl, I still people? Look at me look heavy, small secretary asked me: you just do not mean to tell me who your mind Rose is not it? Say ah. I gazed into her eyes, stressing each syllable and said:. "Is my wife, was immediately sent me to the soup my wife."

From a distance saw the figure of his wife, and I pressed the horn wildly, but he kept the distance light changed, the wife excitedly waved to me, I go out a football into the arms of her. Back to the car, a secretary has quietly sat on the rear seat. I introduced her to his wife is my colleague, the wife is warmly invited her to drink a hot bowl of soup quickly, very fragrant soup of the day, my secretary muscle and small intestine Lulu will be wiped out a thermos soup. After eat, I asked his wife: children? Wife smiled and said: "I ate good food to feed him to let him stay at home to take me out, he could still at home waiting for us."

"You did not eat?" I surprised a moment .

"The thought of a stay with you in the car to eat, you have friends in, and you will eat it, while I stayed home to eat."

Trade Bridge car to a secretary out of the car, 10 minutes later I received a cell phone text message information, is a small secretary hair: how good you have a wife, ah, well I'm sorry she did not make things, I drink no longer belongs to her soup away part of her man, I admit that I failed, not the lost person, is lost to a bowl of soup, a soup so hard woman is worth every man whom cherish a lifetime ......

Wife asked me who the information I smile: "is a small secretary, she boast good drink your soup, praise me discerning, looking for a good wife." Wife smiled sweetly, gently headrest in my shoulder, and I kissed down homeopathy. This kiss, this kiss tricyclic snowy night on a crowded so I will always be grateful ......

This woman is worth every man whom cherish a lifetime ......

Every woman is an angel, when she fell in love with a man, she would be broken wings came to earth, so men do not hurt love their women around, because she has no wings to fly back to heaven again.








Rank: 2

 樓主| 發表於 2014-11-30 15:48:06 | 顯示全部樓層
在單位,我可能是最令大家羨慕的男士了:大學畢業後順利考取公務員,最後進入航空公司辦事處,剛剛三十出頭就晉升為辦公室主任。 達到婚齡時,又適時識了剛從空姐崗位退下來被外資公司高薪聘請為人力資源部經理的妻子。 結婚後,在單位的利補貼下,在東三環南段的潘家園擁有一套150平方米的住房。婚後一年,增添了活潑可愛的兒子,隨後又以一次性付款的方式,開回了一輛桑塔納。
妻子溫柔又美麗,可是我卻開始越來​​越覺得自己對妻子沒有激情了。 成為車一族後,下班免不了會有同事坐我的順風車,坐得最多的就是剛進公司不久的小秘書。 她住在國貿橋附近,和我順路。 小秘書剛大學畢業,正是花樣年華。 進入收入豐厚的航空公司,拿著大把的鈔票自然是不遺餘力地打扮自己,從化妝品到新款時裝,讓我每天看得眼花繚亂。 我的心便開始花了,儘管還沒什麼實質性的進展,但我知道跨出那一步只是遲早的事情。 回到家,看著甜蜜地餵兒子吃飯的妻子,心裡多少也會有一點愧疚。 但是,心仍然開始不可避免的背離,我甚至開始憧憬那一天地早日到來。
就這樣到了12月7日,從下午2點開始雪開始飄飄灑灑地落了下來,到下午下班時地上已經有了薄薄的一層,我走出辦公室沒有絲毫猶豫地把車開了出來。 副駕駛位上坐著的當然還是小秘書,車上了機場高速,情況不妙了,平時道路車速可以跑到100碼以上的路面突兀地擁擠了許多,勉強以在長安街上晨跑的速度一點一點地往前蹭。 根據以往的經驗,只要四環一鬧"腸梗阻"三環絕對會"便秘",可是車在高速上半點不由人。 8點半,終於在三元橋繞上了三環,車剛上三環主道,滿眼黑壓壓的車頓時讓我倒​​抽了一口冷氣,不幸遭遇新世紀最嚴重地大堵車了! 手機在這時候響起了,是妻子打來的。 她說她已經步行回家了,孩子也已經接了。 她問我估計什麼時候能到家,我隨口道:"12點以前能到家就不錯了,你早點休息吧,"便掛了電話。 小秘書終於對著鏡子補好了唇膏,嘴唇在歐萊雅幻灩唇的滋潤下如水晶般充滿誘惑,又藉口暖氣太熱而脫掉了大衣,一件天藍的珠光緊身毛衫將身體的曲線勾勒得淋漓盡致,難道在這個滑車的雪夜會發生那人讓我憧憬的故事嗎?
剛準備對小秘書有所暗示,電話鈴又響了,是一個朋友,他​​也被堵在了半路,估計我和他的糟遇一樣,便打來電話和我一起訴苦打發時間,不知不覺時間已經到了10點,車在打電話的功夫一直在慢慢地向前蠕動著,整整一個半小時​​大約只前進了不到2公里。 在農館附近終於蠕動累了,便又集體趴了下來。 再一次鼓起勇氣準備開口,妻子的電話又來了,問我到了哪兒,我很不耐煩地告訴她還在農展館。 輕輕將右手搭在小秘書的肩膀上,她肩膀一動,我的手滑了下來。 我不知道她這是婉拒還是半推半就,不敢貿然行事。 我只好終止冒失的行為,開始有一搭沒一搭地和她找話題閒扯,一個小時又過去了。 阿拉從車裡播放的席琳狄翁的CD談到曾火爆的《泰坦尼克號》再委婉地轉移到愛情這一主題,終於繞到了正題,再剩下的就只需要我的一點點暗示和小秘書的反應了。
就在這關鍵時刻,電話又來了,還是妻子的。 還是問我現在到哪裡了,我強忍火氣告訴她我已經到了京廣橋,妻子很開心地告訴我:"累死我了,終於快找到你了。我現在已經走到光華橋了,我怕你肚子餓,煲好了湯盛在保溫瓶裡就出來了,又怕坐車找你和你錯過了,只好順著三環走過來找你。對了,我就在*你這邊的馬路牙子上往前走的,你要是看見我了就叫我一聲,我一路上使勁瞅車牌,眼睛都花了,可別把你漏過去了。"
妻子掛了電話,我開始發呆:妻子在滿心期盼地為我煲湯,從潘家園步行到光華橋給我送來,可我卻在車裡計劃著如何吸引另外一個女孩,我還是人嗎? 看我一臉沉重,小秘書問我:你剛才不是說要告訴我你心目中的羅絲是誰嗎? 說啊。 我凝視著她的雙眼,一字一頓道:"是我妻子,是馬上給我送湯來的我的妻子。"
遠遠地看見了妻子的身影,我使勁地摁著喇叭,又一個勁地變更遠近光燈,妻子興奮地朝我揮手,我衝出去一把將她攬進了懷裡。 回到車時,小秘書已經悄悄地坐到了後排坐椅上。 我向妻子介紹她是我的同事,妻子很熱情地邀請她趕快趁熱喝一碗湯,那天的湯香濃無比,肌腸轆轆的我和小秘書將一保溫瓶湯一掃而光。 吃飽以後,我問妻子:孩子呢? 妻子笑笑說:"我做好飯餵他吃完了讓他在家好好地呆著我就出來了,他現在可能還在家等著我們呢。”
“你沒吃飯?”我一愣( 感人故事
妻子問我是誰的信息我一笑:“是小秘書的,她在夸你的湯很好喝,誇我有眼力,找了一個優秀的妻子。”妻子甜蜜地笑了,輕輕將頭靠在了我的肩膀上,我順勢吻了下去。 這一吻,這雪夜擁擠的三環上的一吻將讓我銘記終身……

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