Sexy Robots 機器人/ 性愛機器人果機器人真的和人產生感情,甚至結婚生子,那麼人類的概念模煳了,生下的是人,是機器人,還是半人半機器?到那個時候,人類和機器人能不能平等,日常生活中機器人高效率的能力,會讓人類的心理失衡嗎?
34歲的日裔加拿大科學家李特朗(Le Trung)正在用自己源源不斷地創新來重新擬寫人與機器人的關係,據《每日郵報》披露,李特朗與花費3萬英鎊造出的“愛子”——美女機器人女友共度聖誕節。
If robots really fall in love with people, or even get married and have children, then the concept of human beings will be blurred. Is the child born a human, a robot, or a half-human, half-machine? By that time, can humans and robots be equal in daily life? Will the high efficiency of robots cause psychological imbalance in humans?
Le Trung, a 34-year-old Japanese-Canadian scientist, is using his constant innovation to rewrite the relationship between humans and robots. According to the Daily Mail, Le Trung spent 30,000 pounds to build a robot. "Love Son" - a beautiful robot girlfriend spends Christmas together.
According to Li Trang himself, he brought his "loved son" to Christmas dinner with his parents. His wish that a robot can serve as a "wife" in the future is increasingly likely to come true.
Li Trang is a software engineer. He said that he was busy with work and never had time to find a girlfriend, so he used the latest technology to create a robot girlfriend. In order to build this robot, he overdrawn his credit cards, borrowed loans, sold his car, and spent all his savings. The cost of building Aiko is as high as 30,000 pounds. Despite this, Li Trang is still enjoying it, and he is still doing his best to perfect his beloved son.
"Like other women, she also likes to wear new clothes," Li Trang said, "I am also willing to buy beautiful new clothes for her." Aiko's face and body are touch-sensitive, so when she is cared for or hurt When stimulated by other behaviors, she will react very naturally. According to reports, if the software is upgraded, the inventor and the robot can even enjoy sex.
At present, scientists from all over the world have developed a variety of emotional robots that can express their emotions when they come into contact with humans. The Korean film "My Girlfriend is a Robot" has become the focus of attention, subverting the definition of love, and thus raising concerns about the ethical issues of robots. The female robot in the film feels the heartbeat of love, and longs to become a real human being. All the emotional capacities that humans possess.
If robots really fall in love with people, or even get married and have children, then the concept of human beings will be blurred. Is the child born a human, a robot, or half human and half machine? By that time, can humans and robots be equal in daily life? Will the high efficiency of robots cause psychological imbalance in humans?
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真假難辨 忘記道德規範
加州州立理工大學倫理及新興科學組織總監Patrick Lin則認為:「令人恐懼的是,人類或會漸漸不習慣徵求別人同意,擅將自己的意願和慾望加諸他人。」達林認為,要教會機械人說不,令性愛機械人除了供人類洩慾外,亦有教育作用,懂得拒絕人類的不良慾望,從而預防價值觀崩壞。
與性愛機器人炒飯 女作家驚呼:像真人一樣
性愛機器人的原型來自於情趣娃娃,20年前,在美國有一家深淵製造公司以矽膠情趣娃娃起家,並命名為「真實娃娃」(RealDolls),執行長為麥克穆倫(Matt McMullen)。娃娃身體由矽膠製成,塑膠的骨骼及鋼製的關節,觸感柔軟,且能擺出不同動作,客人可以按照客人喜好客製化局部身體部位,例如身材或是尺寸,售價3500美元(約新台幣11.2萬元)起跳。
性愛專欄作家凱莉肖爾蒂諾(Karley Sciortino),因獲得廠商贊助,親自體驗與男版性愛娃娃「趴趴趴」,她稱過程激似與真人做愛。
結論:性愛機器人發明之際,乃人類滅亡之時 !