本帖最後由 artking 於 2018-10-31 13:09 編輯金庸大侠自上世纪五十年代开始创作武侠小说,他笔下“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”的故事早已传遍中原,但是西域读者大多只闻其名,未读其书,因为翻译金庸的武侠小说实在太难。
波士顿大学比较文学系教授Petrus Liu在最近一篇《石英》杂志(Quartz)的报道中说:
“Translating Jin Yong is often a daunting task because of the complexity of his language, which integrates prose and poetry and makes extensive use of ‘four-character phrases’ and other Chinese idioms in order to recreate the ‘feel’ of traditional Chinese vernacular novels.”
The characters in Cha’s world — who have colorful names like the “Seven Freaks of the South” — operate in what is known as the jianghu, a term that is familiar to Chinese speakers and any reader of wuxia fiction but difficult to translate into English. The word literally translates as “rivers and lakes,” but is typically used to mean people who live in a world parallel to conventional society, one that operates by its own laws and code of ethics. It is closely linked to another wuxia term, the wulin, or “martial arts forest,” referring to a community of people practicing martial arts.
金庸小说中人物的名字极富特色,比如“江南七怪(Seven Freaks of the South)”等,这些人行走在 “江湖”之中。中国读者熟悉的“江湖”,字面意思为“江和湖”,但其意蕴很难翻译成英文,因为它常用来表示和古代传统社会平行存在的社会环境,其生存法规和道德自成一派。“江湖”和“武林”休戚相关,后者指代会武功的人组成的群体。
武俠小說大師金庸作品風靡華人世界,但因為作品用字洗練、文化蘊含豐富,難以翻譯成英文,始終無法進入英語世界。金庸著名的《射鵰三部曲》(Legend of the Condor Heroes)將在明年開始推出英文版,負責翻譯的郝玉青(Anna Holmwood)首度透露金庸筆下「九陰白骨爪」這類武功招式,將如何翻譯成英文。
中英文流利的郝玉青來自瑞典,曾來台學習文言文,並嫁給台灣人,是個台灣媳婦。她接受《BBC》中文網專訪時,透露金庸筆下的武功招數該如何翻譯?她說,例如「九陰白骨爪」,在書中令人印象深刻的描述,是白骨上的五個指孔,因此決定以skeleton(骸骨)而非bone(白骨),就成了「Nine(九)Yin(陰)Skeleton Claw(爪)」;至於「懶驢打滾」,她選擇直譯成「Lazy Donkey Roll」,認為這樣能以最直接的方式,將讀者帶入金庸的世界;「江南七怪」則翻譯為「Seven Freaks」。
郝玉青形容金庸作品是中國的《魔戒》,她花費1年半時間完成《射鵰英雄傳》第一章「英雄誕生」(Hero Born),整部作品將在明年2月推出。
現在金庸小說 都已經有 英文版了
武俠小說:Martial arts and chivalry novels
天龍八部:Demigods and Semidevils
射雕英雄傳:The Legend of the Condor Heroes
神雕俠侶:The Legendary Couple
笑傲江湖:Laughing in the Wind
鹿鼎記:The Deer and the Cauldron
武林:The martial arts world
武林人士:The martial artists
中原:The Central Plains
掌門:The leader of a sect
大師兄:The eldest disciple
丐幫:The Beggars' Sect
武當派:The Wudang School
少林派:The Shaolin Sect
明教:The Ming Cult
乾坤大挪移:The Heaven and Earth Great Shift
葵花寶典:The Sunflower Manual
獨孤九劍:Nine Swords of Dugu
吸星大法:The Essence-sucking Skill
太極拳:Tai Chi Fist
黯然消魂掌:Deep Blue Press
易筋經:The Tendon-altering Sutra
九陽真經:Nine Yang Manual
內力:Inner energy
倚天劍:The Heaven-reliant Sword
屠龍刀:The Dragon-slaying Saber
https://n.sinaimg.cn/news/gif_image/w500h210/20180306/5HqG-fxipenn5477255.gif https://s.zimedia.com.tw/s/d4ZsG5-7