兰桂坊(Lan Kwai Fong)
兰桂坊(Lan Kwai Fong),位于香港兰桂坊
香港中环区的一条呈L型的上坡小径,名叫“兰桂坊”(取其兰桂腾芳之意),也指构成的一个聚集大小酒吧与餐馆的中高档消费区,深受中产阶级、外籍人士及游客的欢迎,是香港的特色旅游景点之一。兰桂坊酒吧街缘起于二十世纪七十年代初期,道路的开拓,吸引商业资金的流入,当时一位意大利籍商人在这里开设了一间意大利服装店及餐厅 。
Lan Kwai Fong (Lan Kwai Fong), located
Hong Kong's Lan Kwai Fong
Hong Kong's Lan Kwai Fong (9)
A Central District of Hong Kong in an L-shaped uphill trails, called "Lan Kwai Fong" (whichever Portland 桂腾芳 meaning), but also refers to an aggregate size of the bars and restaurants in the upscale consumer area constituted by the middle class , expatriates and tourists alike, is one of Hong Kong's tourism attractions. Lan Kwai Fong bar street originated in the early 1970s, pioneering the road to attract commercial capital inflows, when an Italian businessman here in Italy opened a clothing store and restaurant .
Lan Kwai Fong is located in a loop between Wyndham Street and D'Aguilar Street Hong Kong short, narrow, L-shaped with cobbled streets, streets littered with Western-style restaurants and bars, but a great reputation. Lan Kwai Fong is located in Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong Island's south side. Causeway ride from the past, but 15 minutes' drive away.
Two parallel pedestrian street, plus a short connecting two pedestrian boulevards, and I really can not imagine the romantic compared. Walking Street is not long, but every street seventy-eight minutes walk away. Facade narrow streets are lined with bars, lights dim, layout nothing special. Every two or three steps, however, can see one or two "foreigners" carrying glasses standing in the street, while drinking chatted, really hard to see in the Mainland bar. "Many foreigners, mostly white-collar workers, is the most significant feature of Lan Kwai Fong."
蘭桂坊(Lan Kwai Fong),位於
香港中環區的一條呈L型的上坡小徑,名叫“蘭桂坊”(取其蘭桂騰芳之意),也指構成的一個聚集大小酒吧與餐館的中高檔消費區,深受中產階級、外籍人士及遊客的歡迎,是香港的特色旅遊景點之一。蘭桂坊酒吧街緣起於二十世紀七十年代初期,道路的開拓,吸引商業資金的流入,當時一位意大利籍商人在這裡開設了一間意大利服裝店及餐廳 。
兩條平行的步行街,外加一小段連接兩條步行街的大道,實在不能和我想像中的浪漫情調相比。步行街不長,每條街步行不過七八分鐘路程。街道兩旁的酒吧門面狹小,燈光黯淡,佈置也沒什麼特別。不過每走兩三步,都能見到一兩個“老外”端著酒杯當街而立,邊飲邊聊,確實在內地酒吧中難能見到。 “外籍人不少,以白領居多,是蘭桂坊的最大特色。”