First chicken more accurate
本帖最后由 multi203 于 2014-12-10 20:54 编辑记得在年幼时,就听说过比我年长的人议论过的话题 “先有鸡,还是先有蛋?”回答者往往是平分秋色, 很难断定谁是谁非。因为人们无法用心悦诚服的理由来追根溯源而说出个为什么?此时的我,也像听天书一样,莫名其妙。然而,问题也便以其神秘和奥秒根深蒂固般印在脑海中了。
其实,我们不妨回顾一下中学时期学过的生物学课程,其中在生命起源的章节中重点阐述了被恩格斯高度评价为十九世纪科学界重大发现之一的达尔文的进化论。前面的问题便能做出完美的解释。其中说 “生命是由单细胞到多细胞,由简单到复杂,由水生到陆生,由低等到高等进化而来的”。
本帖最后由 multi203 于 2014-12-10 20:55 编辑
In early may, he heard about the people older than me topic "first, the chicken or the egg?" Respondents is often difficult to determine had tied. Because people can use could reason to say a traced back and why? Now, I also like listening gobbledygook, puzzling. However, the problem is with its mysterious and printed in a deep-rooted seconds in mind.
Later, into the middle school, learn biology curriculum, the difficulty in the past and the thinking of gradually a clear idea. Also know knowledge and thinking absolutely makes a man wise.
Work, as time goes by, has nearly 30. In the work, and the gap of colleagues and mention this old topic, unexpectedly is the answer, we still are two of individual be fond of, but the answer is not an Angle, this concourse.
Actually, we review the secondary school biology curriculum, learned in life's origins were emphatically introduced chapter for the nineteenth century Engels highly scientific discoveries of Darwin's theory of evolution. In front of the problem can be made perfect. One said, "life is more than that of single cell, from simple to complex, from low to the terrestrial, aquatic by until higher evolved".
Therefore, combined with Darwin's theory of evolution, we seem to answer first chicken more accurate .baidu