Happened all my life
Happened all my lifeListen
I'm 19 now but I've been bullied for as long as I remember.
In Year 1 I got bullied by this guy in Year 5 and one day he decided to shove a pencil into my hand, I don't remember much about that, but I found out my brother ended up getting into a fight with him when he found out.
We ended moving to another school soon after that, but soon after that this guy a year older than me started bullying me, then soon after everyone was. So instead of taking it I became a kicker, if someone annoyed me I would kick em. By the time I got to high school I had 1 friend.
Even in high school I got bullied and harassed, by the time I was in year 9 about the whole school hated me. Most days I'd sit in the library where they could not do anything. But when I sat outside people would throw rocks, sticks, and other sharp objects at me. One day 2 guys with some sticks flogged both my legs leaving 2 marks on them, my mum called the police on the school but as usual they got suspended for a few days and when they came back they were at it again.
We ended up moving a couple of times but it was the same, I got bullied either on the bus or at school and the teachers did jack. But over the years I've dealt with the pain and ignored them.
Now I've quit year 12 and now I'm going to TAFE and so far so good for now.