How should a girl....
How should a knowOkay, I'm 17 year old female and admittedly I've never had an orgasm. I have no desire to have sex until I'm in a committed relationship, but I would like to try masturbation. The thought of having sex is actually a real turn off and it makes me feel sick just to think about it.
It's not so much an age thing (like I'm in a rush to become sexually active) even though I'm going to 18 really soon, it's just that it's taken me forever to start having sexual thoughts. I was more than fine having a non-existent sex drive but now that I am feeling this way I'm really unsure.
I mean, I know heaps of girls do it but because sex has always been sort of freak-out thing for me (I've never even kissed any of my boyfriends, who I've had only a few of) and now I want to start touching myself I'm unsure of how I should feel about it. I want to but it feels almost wrong in a way. It's not like i've had a religious upbringing where sex outside of marriage is condoned, I just don't want to feel guilty about touching myself.