香港東亞織髮 East Asia Hair Weaving


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Rank: 2

發表於 2022-11-14 13:06:32 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 9perry 於 2022-11-14 13:09 編輯

t was late, and the building was deserted when I exited the elevator and walked towards Tristan's office. He had told me to arrive at nine o'clock sharp. After everything I had done and the trouble I was in, I couldn't be late. The hallway was dark save a few overhead lights that were kept on during the off hours. The quiet and the shadows caused a shiver to run down my spine. The sound of my high heels clicking on the tile seemed to tick away at my fate.

When I got to the door to his office, I put my hand on the knob and took two slow, deep breaths. I didn't want to be there. I didn't want to open up that door. I didn't want to find out what he had in store for me. But the alternative was far worse. Squaring my shoulders, I walked inside.

Tristan's corner office was one of the biggest in the company. As CEO it was his right and I was sure he felt his duty to have the biggest and the best. He prided his employees on giving him their all, and he did the same. He was a man who deserved to have the corner office, to have his employees look up to him, and to reap the rewards of his years of hard work. In the five years I had worked for him, he had been nothing but kind and nurturing to me

That was until I tried to steal from him.

The office with its floor to ceiling windows overlooked the Hudson River and New Jersey. It was dark and I could see the lights from the boats on the water and the city across the way. It should have allowed me to feel more connected to the world and my place in it, but it only made me feel more isolated. It reminded me I had gotten myself into this mess and I was the only one who and could get myself out of it.

"Right on time," Tristan said.

He looked up from his black stainless-steel desk. It shouldn't have helped to accentuate his dark looks or his deep blue eyes, but somehow it did. As if the desk fit the man as much as the spacious office. There was a large coffee table in the middle of the room, with a couch on one side and a leather chair on the other. Behind the chair was a door, which I assumed led to a bathroom, and next to it was a cabinet that held an extensive array of liquor.

"You said, nine o'clock," I replied from the doorway.

"As I did, and I appreciate you being prompt," he drawled.








Rank: 2

 樓主| 發表於 2022-11-14 13:07:00 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 9perry 於 2022-11-14 13:09 編輯

When he spoke, his eyes roamed over my body, and I shivered as if he had touched me. I had heard stories of the man sleeping with his staff, of the exploits he liked to partake in. As his eyes took me in, almost in a predatory way, I realized I was going to learn about them all first hand.

"Good. Then let's get down to business, shall we?" he asked.

He stood up and walked over to the chair. He wasn't asking for a response, so I didn't give it.

"You understand why you're here, Elizabeth?" he asked as he sat down.

He crossed his long legs in front of him and put his elbows on the arm rest. He looked at me as if he had all the time in the world.

"Yes," I said slowly, and couldn't hold his gaze.

"You tried to steal from me. From my company. I could have turned you in. I could have given you over to the cops. It might be a white-collar crime but it's still a crime. Your family would have been ruined. Your children would have been taken away from you, assuming you didn't do jail time, which I doubt."

"Yes, sir. I'm aware. I'm sorry. I never should have done it. I was going to give the money back straight away. I just needed to pay for Henry's tuition. My ex," I said and then stopped.

Tristan didn't care. He didn't want to hear my sob story. That wasn't any of his concern. All he cared about was that I was there and that I agreed to the terms he had put in front of me.

"Now I'm willing to overlook this one transgression, provided two things. One, you agree to never do it again and two, you give yourself over to me completely for the night."

I took a shallow breath in, and my knees started to give way. Tristan had said as much when he had discovered my theft. He had brought me into his office, sat me down on the couch, and asked me what had happened. He had been so sweet and so understanding. It made me comfortable enough to confess everything to him. It was when he had heard it all that he quietly and calmly had given me my options. If I did as he asked, I needed to come to his office. If I didn't agree, he would take it as an omission of guilt and he would have no choice but to call the authorities.

At first, I had been shocked that he would ask me, almost demand that I do this. It was clear in how he spoke what he wanted me to do. But he had given me the options, telling me the decision was mine. As if I had a choice. I couldn't go to jail; I couldn't leave Henry; he was about to finish college and I needed to pay for it. Nor could I leave Hannah without a mother when she was just about to start high school.








Rank: 2

 樓主| 發表於 2022-11-14 13:07:55 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 9perry 於 2022-11-14 13:09 編輯

I knew what he was asking. I had worked for the company long enough to have heard the stories, even seen the destruction of what one of his nights could do. I saw the way the other women in the company looked at him, the stories they shared of what he liked and did with them. I had always kept myself away from it. I had done my work and not bothered or wondered about any of it. Plus, I wasn't what he was interested in and for that, I was glad and felt lucky even.

It looked like my luck had run out.

"Yes, sir. I agree. You promise no one will ever find out?" I asked.

"About you stealing or what we do here tonight?" he asked with a laugh.

My eyes darted to his, and I slowly opened up my mouth. I had never thought that anyone would find out about me coming to him that night. I certainly didn't want anyone to. Had I just opened myself up to even more problems? Was I now stuck in a vicious cycle that I could never get out of?

"Don't worry, sweet Elizabeth. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you," I said.

I did not know why I was thanking him. I had just agreed to give my body and soul over to the man for the night. I shouldn't be thanking him; I should be finding a way to get out of this. But I knew there wasn't. He had me dead to rights and if I didn't want to go to jail. If I didn't want Hannah to be in foster care, I needed to do this.

It was only for one night. I could do it. I would do it.

"Oh, I haven't done nothing yet," he said.

I could feel myself blush at his words. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I got a sudden thrill at the idea that I might actually enjoy myself. It had been so long since I had been with a man; I wasn't sure I could hold myself back from taking some pleasure in what was going to happen. I was a woman who liked sex but had never really found a partner I could be fully myself with. Maybe this was my chance to have that. If only for one night.

Tristan said nothing for a few moments, and the silence dragged between us. I moved towards the couch to sit down when he stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"I was going to sit. Should I not?" I asked.

"Oh, you'll sit tonight, but not on that. Come here," he said and beckoned me to him.

I crept towards him until I was standing right in front of him. He looked up at me as his hands went to my hips. He kept them there as he slowly dropped his hands down my legs and to the bottom of my skirt. I shivered in anticipation. I had thought we might talk, have a drink, allow me some time to loosen up before we began, but I could see that he was ready for the main event.

"You're a beautiful woman, Elizabeth. I get the impression that no one has truly appreciated you," he said, as his hands moved under my skirt and up my legs.








Rank: 2

 樓主| 發表於 2022-11-14 13:10:44 | 顯示全部樓層
I moved my legs out wider for him, almost as if my body responded on its own. I could feel myself getting turned on by his touch, and I took another deep breath to calm myself.
"That's going to change tonight," he said.
He hooked his thumb and index finger around my panties and tugged them off in one quick motion. The cool air on my most private parts caused another sensation to fill me. Tristan kept his eyes on me as he bent towards me. I lifted my legs up so that he could take my panties off.
"Now, isn't that better?" he asked.

As he did, he lifted my panties in the air and I looked as another hand reached out and took them. I followed the hand to see that Caleb, our company's CFO, standing next to us. I did not know when he had gotten into the room or how long he had been there. I watched, transfixed, as he took my panties in his hand and lifted them up to his nose.

"Oh, yeah. You smell good. I wonder how you'll taste?" he asked.

"Later," Tristan said to Caleb, and his eyes fell back on me. "First, you must be punished," he said to me.
"Pun, punished?" I asked.
"Oh, yes. This is a lesson and one we need to make sure that you learn and learn well. You didn't expect to get away with this without some form of payment?" he asked.

I didn't know how to tell him that by being there, standing in front of him without my panties, willing to do whatever he asked was more than punishment enough. As I tried to form my words, he put his hand up and stopped me.

"Remember you agree; whatever I asked," he said. He didn't wait for my response, but looked over at the side of the chair and then back up at me. "Come here, bend over, and lay across me."

"You want me to lie across you?" I asked.

"Yes. How else can I spank you?" he replied matter-of-factly.

"You. You want to spank me?" I asked.

"Want? This isn't about what I want, it's about what I will take. Now, bend over," he said.

I looked over at Caleb, though why I thought he would be of any help is beyond me. He still held my panties to his nose, and I could see the tent he formed in his pants. I couldn't tell if he was turned on by smelling my panties, the fact that I wasn't wearing any, or that Tristan was about to spank me like an unruly school girl.

Taking another deep breath, I walked over to Tristan's chair and bent over the side of it so that I was lying across him. His hand immediately went to my ass and gave it a soft squeeze. I squirmed under his touch as I realized it had been over a year since a man had touched me. No matter how scared or unsure I was, I couldn't hide my body's basic reaction to having a sexy man fondle my ass.

"So soft and yet so firm," he said as he massaged my ass.








Rank: 2

 樓主| 發表於 2022-11-14 13:12:01 | 顯示全部樓層
His hand was comforting, yet commanding. I could feel how strong he was in the way he touched me, and it only turned me on more. I had never been spanked before; it was never something I would have wanted or even allowed a former lover to do, but at the feel of Tristan's hands on me and the sensation it was causing, I was warming to the idea.

Tristan's hand bunched up my skirt and slowly exposed more of my legs and ass. As he did, I could feel him getting excited underneath me as his erection grew. When my skirt was around my waist, he let out a satisfied moan.

"Oh yeah. So beautiful. So perfect," he said as he ran his hand over one butt check and then the other.

"Hell, yeah it is. I can't wait to fuck it," Caleb said.

At his words, I tensed up, and that was when Tristan slammed his hand down and smacked my ass. I heard as much as felt the movement. The sound echoed through the room. I let out a cry of pain. My muscles tensed up, and I dropped my head down into the chair.

Tristan didn't give me time to recover before he brought his hand back down on my ass in three quick successions.

"That's it. Be a good girl and take your punishment. How can you learn if there isn't any pain from your actions?" Tristan asked as he spanked me again and again and again.

"Tristan!" I cried out. "I'm sorry."

He stopped spanking me when I spoke. His hand went back to massaging my ass. I calmed down a bit and lifted my head up. Tears were streaming down my face and I was sure my mascara had speared.

"What was that?" he asked.

"I'm sorry. I never should have stolen from you and your company. It won't happen again."

"You're right. It won't. I will see that it doesn't," he said, and started spanking me again.

I cried out, but I was either more prepared for the blows or my body had gotten used to the sensation because even though there was definitely pain when he spanked my ass, there was a strange and slow undercurrent of pleasure too. I squirmed under his hand and after a while, I couldn't tell if it was to get away from the blows or towards them.

After a few more minutes of him spanking me, Tristan stopped. As my body settled back down onto his, I could feel his erection pushing up into my stomach. It should have disgusted me to think that the man got turned on by hurting me, but it didn't. Instead, I felt desirable and even a little sexy that I could do that to him.

"Is she wet?" I heard another voice ask.

It didn't belong to Tristan or Caleb. I lifted my head up to see Alex, the office manager, standing in front of me. That would have been alarming enough, but he was naked from the waist down and he was holding his very large and very erect penis in his hands. It was then that I realized he had come in when Tristan had spanked me and had jerked off while he watched.

"Oh yeah, she is. I told you she was perfect," Tristan said.

As if to prove his point, his hand moved down my ass and between my legs. Slowly, he glided one finger up my center. I cried out at the sensation and the understanding that he was right. I was not only wet, but soaking wet.

"You liked that, didn't you? You liked when I spanked you. I bet you didn't even know that you were a little kinky, did you?" he asked.

I couldn't answer him. I couldn't think. I could hardly breathe as his finger moved in and out of me expertly. His other hand was still on my ass and massaged and playfully tapped it. Bringing more pleasure than pain.

"What would happen if I twisted your nipples, would you come for me?" he asked.

He didn't wait for a response but moved his hand from my ass and up my top, finding my right nipple under my bra and giving it a hard, quick twist. I cried out in pain and then sighed at the pleasure he caused.

"That's what I thought. Oh, we're going to have some fun with you," he said.

"My turn," Alex said.

"Not until I'm done with her. I get the first round," Tristan said forcefully.








Rank: 2

 樓主| 發表於 2022-11-14 13:13:24 | 顯示全部樓層
I couldn't see Tristan's face, but there must have been something to his look as Alex back downed and even stepped away. Tristan gave one more twist of my right nipple and then removed his finger from inside me, slapped my ass, and said, "Stand up."

It took me a minute to do as he asked and when I did; I was stiff but relaxed, hyperaware but almost euphoric. I stood in front of him and watched as he quickly unbuckled his pants and slide them to the floor, kicking off his shoes as he did. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and his gigantic cock sprung out in front of me.

I didn't realize I was staring until he gave me a knowing smile and Caleb stood behind me and whispered, "If you think he's huge, wait until you get me in your mouth."

Tristan shot Caleb a look, and he backed away. Though the feeling of him standing so close and his erection pushing up against my thigh lingered long after he had left.

"Take off your clothes," Tristan said.

It wasn't a demand or even a command. It was said very matter-of-factly, but it felt like an order, and I quickly took off the rest of my clothes. When I bent down to take off my heels, Caleb coughed loudly and told me not to.

I did as he asked and stood back up, completely naked but my heels in front of Tristan with Caleb and Alex on either side of him. My first instinct was to cover myself up, to hide my body from them, but there was something in how the men looked at me that told me not to. That made me feel sexy and desired in a way I never had before.

"Come, kneel over me," Tristan said.

I gave a slight nod, even though I knew it wasn't a request but a demand, and walked over to him. As soon as I was in front of him, his hands went to my hips and he pushed me down so that I was kneeling on the chair in front of him. My hands went to the top of the chair for leverage as Tristan ran his hands up and down my back and to my ass.

His eyes stayed locked on mine and my body got turned on by how he was looking at me. His hands squeezed my ass a little harder than before, but I didn't mind. When he moved his right hand around my body and to my breasts, I arched my back to him.

"That's it. You're getting the hang of this," he said.

He took first my left and then my right breast in his hand. He squeezed my right breast and pushed it towards his mouth. I sighed as he sucked on my nipple and then cried out when he bit on it ever so slightly. Caleb moaned next to me and Alex rubbed his hands over himself even faster.

I looked over at Alex, and our eyes locked. There was something in his expression that made me feel bold, more so than I had ever been in my entire life. A feeling came over me that told me I was safe, that I could do whatever I wanted, and that it would be okay. I knew without them telling me they wanted me to explore my sexuality and they would be there for all of it. I reached my hand out and motioned to Alex. He understood what I was asking or telling him I would do as he stood right next to me.

When I took his cock in my hand, both he and Caleb cried out. I looked over at Caleb, who was rubbing my panties over his clothed body. He quickly dropped them down and tore off his pants, kicking them off as he walked towards us.

"Fuck yeah," Tristan said as he broke from sucking on my breasts. "I knew you had it in you."

Caleb stood next to us, I took his member in my hand, and started rubbing it just as vigorously as I was with Alex. I looked from one to the other to see their eyes were closed in pure enjoyment. I turned my head to look at Tristan, he smiled up at me. As if I was his prized pupil and he couldn't be proud of me.

"Now, I'm going to fuck you while they watch," he said.

He didn't wait for me to answer, but took my hips in his hands and slammed me straight down on top of him. I cried out as he filled me. He was a large man and the shock of having someone so big and wide inside me took my breath away. I tightened my hold of Caleb and Alex, and they cried out with me.

"You're so tight, my little slut. I'm going to love cuming inside you," Tristan said as he started moving me up and down on top of him.








Rank: 2

 樓主| 發表於 2022-11-14 13:14:45 | 顯示全部樓層
My body immediately started responding to him, and I could feel my juices flowing as my body accepted him. I dropped my head down on top of his as I moved with him. As I did, my hands loosened their vice on Caleb and Alex, and I jerked them off. The moans of the men standing next to me mixed with the sounds of my body moving over Tristan's. His hands moved from my hips and to my nipples, giving them tight twists that sent me even higher. His mouth found my right nipple, and he sucked on it as his hand went down my stomach and to my clit. He pushed his thumb against it as I bounced up and down on top of him.

The smell of sex and desire filled the room. I lifted my head up to look at Alex, he gave me a knowing smile and leaned forward and kissed me. His tongue pushing inside my mouth and dancing around my tongue, and his hand went to my ass. I moved over Tristan faster as my hands moved frantically over the other men. Caleb reached across and took my left nipple in his hand and teased and twisted it. His mouth dropped to my neck and he sucked on it before moving over to my earlobe.

My body was on overdrive with the feeling of so many hands and mouths on me. I could feel my orgasm forming, and I cried out in the beauty that the men were making me feel. Tristan grabbed my chin in his hand and forced me to stop kissing Alex and to look at him. As if they knew what he wanted, Caleb stopped sucking on my earlobe as he and Alex both went and stood closer to Tristan. They didn't move far enough away from me I couldn't still touch them, but allowed me to look at all three of them as I glided over Tristan.

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