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learn to give up, pain is their own









Rank: 1

發表於 2014-11-18 11:02:06 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
1. The world's most vulnerable life, good health is very important.
2. The last thing you can not forget, but it must be put down.
3. At any time, to do something, to think about.
4. never to betray their friends had the opportunity to betray the second time.
5. Anyone who has their own limits. In particular trust.
6. there is no perfect thing, there is no perfect person, the key is clear in the end what you want. Get the desired, will have lost another part. If you want everything, just nothing.
7. others say in his head, and his is in my heart.
8. Try not to gossip about friends, colleagues.
9. occasionally also reality and hypocrisy, because not doing so, it is difficult to mix.
10. readily accept the gift of life to your right, whether good or bad.
11. truly understand the meaning of impermanence, when you are suffering, you want this pain is not eternal, and when you are happy, you want this happiness is not eternal.
12. To be happy, be cheerful, be tenacious, to warmer, for people to be sincere.
13. Do not underestimate anyone.
14. You do not have so many viewers, do not be so tired.
15. mild Duirenduishi. Do not arbitrarily throw a tantrum, who does not owe you.
16. is now very painful, and so over time around to look back, will find that in fact things that are not.
17. and they have malicious people tear. People tear up, have a close friend.
18. learn to be tolerant of people hurt themselves, because they are poor, each has its own difficulties, we are not easy.
19. learn to give up, pulled more tightly, pain is their own.
20. The low-key, inter-offs, there must be gains and losses.
21. Do not try to give yourself any excuse, mistakes in front of unloved listen to those excuses.
22. cautious, independent, learn to compromise at the same time, we must stick to the basic principles.
23. The pay is not necessarily the outcome. Persist may lead to lose more.
24. Do not overestimate their own strength in the collective, because when you choose to leave, you will find that even without you, The Sun Also Rises!
25. The life easy, anything to make the best of intentions and the worst.
26. make a simple, practical and pragmatic. Not addicted to fantasy. Not much ado about nothing.
27. do not lie, because there was debunked the day.
28. Behind the glossy or there are too many unknown people suffering
29. try to enrich themselves. Do not stop learning. No matter what, language, cooking, skills.
30. Each person is an individual, who really did not leave the one who will live!
31. filial piety. Not just talking about it, even if more calls are also very good.
32. love their parents, because they gave you life, but also the love of the most selfless people you love.
33. boredom when reading, but must have their own life goals and plans.
34. The weaknesses of human nature have a clear understanding, but to believe in true love, love will always cherish the simple longing.
35. Do not rely too much on people beside themselves, because only he will not abandon yourself.
36. eternal life is full of hope, for the difficulties and hardships, smiling face.
37. The more reading, optimistic book.
38. Eat less, eat well.
39. Gu said, laughing girl, luck is not too bad.
40. make friends, make good friends. Woman must have girlfriends.
41. Remember, the definition of friends is: Do you mix well, her psyche happy for you; you mix well, she sincerely worry for you.
42. have a dream, even if distant.








Rank: 1

 樓主| 發表於 2014-11-18 11:04:37 | 顯示全部樓層
1. 这个世界最脆弱的是生命,身体健康,很重要。
3. 无论什么时候,做什么事情,要思考。
4. 永远不要给背叛过自己的朋友第二次的背叛的机会。
5. 无论是谁,都有自己的限度。特别是信任。
6. 没有十全十美的东西,没有十全十美的人,关键是清楚到底想要什么。得到想要的,肯定会失去另外一部分。如果什么都想要,只会什么都得不到。
7. 别人说的记在脑袋里,而自己的,则放在心里。
8. 尽量不要讲同事朋友的八卦。
9. 偶尔也要现实和虚伪一点,因为不那样做的话,很难混。
10. 坦然接受生活给你的馈赠吧,不管是好的还是坏的。
11. 真正了解无常的含义,当你痛苦时,你要想这痛苦不是永恒的,当你快乐时,你要想这快乐也不是永恒的。
12. 要快乐,要开朗,要坚韧,要温暖,对人要真诚。
13. 别低估任何人。
14. 你没那么多观众,别那么累。
15. 温和对人对事。不要随意发脾气,谁都不欠你的。
16. 现在很痛苦,等过阵子回头看看,会发现其实那都不算事。
17. 和对自己有恶意的人绝交。人有绝交,才有至交。
18. 学会宽容伤害自己的人,因为他们很可怜,各人都有自己的难处,大家都不容易。
19. 学会放弃,拽的越紧,痛苦的是自己。
20. 低调,取舍间,必有得失。
21. 不要试图给自己找任何借口,错误面前没人爱听那些借口。
22. 慎言,独立,学会妥协的同时,也要坚持自己最基本的原则。
23. 付出并不一定有结果。坚持可能会导致失去更多。
24. 不要太高估自己在集体中的力量,因为当你选择离开时,就会发现即使没有你,太阳照常升起!
25. 活得轻松,任何事都作一个最好的打算和最坏的打算。
26. 做一个简单的人,踏实而务实。不沉溺幻想。不庸人自扰。
27. 不说谎话,因为总有被拆穿的一天。
28. 别人光鲜的背后或者有着太多不为人知的痛苦
29. 尽量充实自己。不要停止学习。不管学习什么,语言,厨艺,各种技能。
30. 每个人都是独立的个体,真的没有谁离开谁就活不下去!
31. 孝顺父母。不只是嘴上说说,即使多打几个电话也是很好的。
32. 爱父母,因为他们给了你生命,同时也是爱你爱的最无私的人。
33. 空虚无聊的时候就读书,但一定得有自己的生活目标和计划。
34. 对人性的弱点有清醒的认识,但要相信真诚的爱情,对爱情永远怀有单纯的向往。
35. 不要太过依赖除自己以外的人,因为只有自己不会抛弃自己。
36. 永远对生活充满希望,对于困境与磨难,微笑面对。
37. 多看书,看好书。
38. 少吃点,吃好的。
39. 古龙说过,爱笑的女孩子,运气不会太差。
40. 多交朋友,交好的朋友。女人一定要有闺密。
41. 请记得,好朋友的定义是:你混的好,她打心眼里为你开心;你混的不好,她由衷的为你着急。
42. 要有梦想,即使遥远。








Rank: 2

發表於 2018-3-5 20:30:52 | 顯示全部樓層
童子軍 : 永远对生活充满希望,对于困境与磨难,微笑面对 !!

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