香港東亞織髮 East Asia Hair Weaving


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Happiness is in your hands.









Rank: 2

發表於 2014-12-5 17:23:33 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最后由 champion 于 2014-12-5 17:26 编辑

我的老婆為一朵水仙開花而高興。 用一盆水泡腳而滿足。 早晨起來,拉開窗簾,為外面一堆陽光而驚呼。 她弄花盆裡的花,發現一個小蟲,便喊她女兒來看。 她沒有昂貴的化妝品,只是一些簡單的女人護膚品。 她不要汽車,說汽車不環保。 她說,我要走路,走路舒服。
她每天上班下班,就是喊帳太多。 她是會計,單位裡做不完的帳,她一邊抱怨,一邊快樂的去做。 之後就想像著:幹幾年不干了,到海邊住著,出國旅行。
她每天看一點書,之後就陪女兒跳繩,踢鍵子,玩呼啦圈,跳著笑著,雙人跳,單人跳。 她沒有社會活動。 很少出去吃飯。 我曾看過一本書:說有的人總是忙啊。 其實這忙,多為應酬。 少與社會雜染,則清淨單純。 有一回我從飯店帶迴龍蝦煲粥,她吃了。 那個星期六,我們去金旺角茶餐廳就餐。 她坐下說,你那一天帶回的粥,很好吃,就要那個。 我女兒說,那是龍蝦煲粥。 龍蝦幾百塊錢一斤,你吃得起麼? 她說,噢。
老婆原來不會燒飯。 她自己學著做,居然菜做得不錯了。 她從來不嫌煩。 她現在做的干燒魚頭、乾煸肉和燴魚羹,都堪稱一絕。 她對小事很有興趣,她總是說,什麼東西都要去學。 只要去學,肯定能做得最好。 她考會計師,整天上班做帳,下班燒飯,沒有時間看書,她都是每晚在床上看一點。 那天考完,回來直跺腳,考砸了考砸了。 第二年重考。 分數出來那天,我讓她打熱線查詢。 她不肯,說肯定不行。 結果試著去打,居然通過了,有一門只多一分。 她興奮得臉漲紅,說,我真行耶! 她平時很少打的,第二天上班,出門就攔了一輛的士,打到單位八塊,她甩手給了十塊,對司機說,不用找了。 她中午說給我聽,說,司機還說謝謝她,還是一臉的興奮。
她沒事喜歡睡覺,雙休日能睡到中午。 我有時走過去看看,見她臉睡得通紅。 睡足了,起來拉開窗簾,家裡湧進一堆的陽光。 她開始燒飯,唱著歌,一會,廚房裡飄出香味。
我沒事街上亂走。 見到一隻京巴,蹲下來喚它過來,或者走上去,摸摸它的頭。 我走進書店,在一堆書前看來看去。 心裡癢癢,就花錢買了。
我喜歡瀝青的路面,喜歡雪白的斑馬線。 我到香港,能從灣仔走到上環。 喜歡那街道的整潔衛生。 我對居住的城市不滿意,可城市中的每一點變化都令我高興。 一幢樓剛剛籌建,工人還在工地門口畫施工概況圖,我湊過去,看看是多少層樓,何時峻工。 報上說,哪條道路開始改造了,從砌禁行路標到通車,我一有時間,都會去看看,問問工程進度,同工人聊聊天。 “神經”起來,還同工人握手,說,同志辛苦了。 工人則說,首長更苦。
我對女兒,有點小小的妄想。 希望她能考取大學。 我們不看電視,家裡卻也掛了一塊黑板,記些東西,如警句名言,考試時間,像單位。
何為幸福? 幸福指數幾何? 乞丐得到一分錢是幸福,皇帝吃到一隻烤紅薯是幸福。 娃娃對一朵花微笑是幸福,老人日頭下枯坐是幸福。 坐擁金山不一定幸福,失而復得才是幸福。 妻妾成群不一定幸福,兩情相悅才是幸福。 圍爐夜話是幸福,猜忌讒言不是幸福。 油燈下給母親梳頭是幸福,姑爭嫂鬥不是幸福。 讀書是幸福,行走是幸福。 貪斂不是幸福,抱怨不是幸福。 幸福是鞋與腳,鞋的幸福是因為有一雙溫暖的腳,腳的幸福也只有鞋知道。 我們不知道別人的幸福。 我們見到的別人的所謂幸福,也只是我們的感覺罷了。
是呵,本來活著就是幸福。 快樂地活著,更是幸福。 自足常樂,是天大的幸福。 幸福在你身邊,幸福也在你手中。








Rank: 2

 樓主| 發表於 2014-12-5 17:25:32 | 顯示全部樓層
My wife is a narcissus flower and happy. Feet and meet with a pot of water. Up in the morning, draw the curtains, as a bunch of sunshine outside exclaimed. She get pots of flowers, found a bug, they called her daughter look. She did not expensive cosmetics, just some simple woman skincare. She do not vehicles, said the car is not environmentally friendly. She said, I want to walk, to walk comfortably.
She and from work every day, that is too much to shout account. She is an accountant, the unit endless accounts, while she complained, while happy to do it. After you imagine: quit dry years, lived to the beach, to travel abroad.
She looked a little book every day, to accompany her daughter after skipping, playing key sub, playing hula hoop, dancing, laughing, double jump, single jump. She no social activities. Rarely go out to eat. I once read a book: Some people always say Manga. In fact, this busy, mostly for entertainment. Less social defilements, the clean simple. Once I brought back from the hotel lobster porridge, she ate. That Saturday, we went to Kim Mong tea restaurant. She sat down to say, the day you brought porridge, good food, it is necessary that. My daughter said it was lobster porridge. Lobster a few hundred dollars a pound, you could afford to eat it? She said, oh.
My wife had not cooking. She learned to do, and actually doing pretty good food. She never wearies. She is now doing a dry head, dry stir meat and braise Yugeng are a must. She was very interested in the little things, she always said, what have to learn. Just go to school, can certainly do the best. Her accountant exam, go to work all day to prepare accounts, work cooking, do not have time to read, she is every night in bed watching a little. That finished, stomping back straight, blew blew. Retake the second year. Points out that day, I let her hit the hotline. She refused, saying certainly not. Try to play a result, actually passed, there is only a little more. Her face flushed with excitement and said, yeah I'm OK! She rarely played the next day to go to work, go out on a taxi stopped, hit eight units, walk away and gave her a ten, the driver said, without looking up. At noon she said to me, said the driver said thank you to her, or a look of excitement.
She likes to sleep all right, the weekend can sleep until noon. Sometimes I went to see, to see her face flushed sleep. Get enough sleep, and it opened the curtains, the family poured a bunch of sunshine. She began cooking, singing, for a while, the kitchen wafting scent.
I have nothing to go on the street chaos. Seeing a Beijing bar, squat dictated it over, or walk up, touch its head. I went into the bookstore, in front of a pile of books looks around. Heart itch, they spend money.
I like the asphalt pavement, like white zebra. I went to Hong Kong, Wanchai walked from the ring. Clean and tidy streets like that. I live in the city are not satisfied, you can change every point in the city have made me happy. Just build a building, construction workers are still on site profile figure painting door, I went over to see how many floors He Shijun work. The newspaper said, which began the transformation of the road, from the forbidding signs to build traffic, I have time, will go and see, and ask progress of the project, with the workers chat. "Nervous," it also shake hands with the workers, said that Comrade hard. Workers said that the heads of more bitter.
My daughter, a little bit paranoid. I want her to obtain a university. We do not watch TV at home but is also linked to a blackboard, remember some things, such as the famous aphorism, exam time, like units.
I treat every day of calm, warm palms.
What is happiness? Happiness index geometry? Beggars get a penny is happy, the emperor is happy to eat a roasted sweet potatoes. Doll on a flower is happy smile, sit under the old sun is happiness. Jinshan necessarily sitting happiness is happiness regained. Queens are not necessarily happy, sexual gratification is happiness. Hearthside Nocturne is happiness, happiness is not slanderous suspicion. Under the lamp hair happy mother, aunt Mrs. fight fight is not happy. Reading is a happy, happy to walk. Not greedy grabbing happiness, happiness is not complaining. Happiness is the shoes and feet, shoes happy because there is a pair of warm feet, happy feet shoes only knows. We do not know the happiness of others. We see other people's so-called happiness, but we feel nothing.
Is, uh, had to live is happiness. Happy to be alive, it is happiness. Self-contained music often is a big happiness. Happiness around you, happiness is in your hands.

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