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Bullying drove me to self harm.









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發表於 2015-2-24 18:30:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Bullying drove me to self harm.

Hi. I am 21 and I started to get bullied when I was 13.
I migrated to Australia in 2007 with my family. It was very different to start a new school life here because everything was so different.

First day of high school, thinking new school, new mates! I tried introducing myself to my year but no one was interested, they all had their groups. First day right, what could go wrong? But I tell you what, I was the only person in the entire school wearing a turban and that is why I was picked on!

During the lunch break, I saw students playing soccer and I was sitting on a bench eating and then the ball just went past me and this guy walked up to me and said "Why didn't you stop the ball?" He used all the swearing words and he took my turban off! I CRIED!

All day, I ended up just sitting by myself and not talking with anyone as no one would. Went home, I cried and I said to my parents I don't want to go back there! Students started making fun of my name, what I wear, what I do etc.

In year 10, this guy bullied me for about 2 weeks and one day we were playing and he said something about my turban and I ended up pushing him. THAT WAS IT, just a PUSH! He fell on the ground and got up and me! Teacher walked up to us and took us to the principal and I was suspended for pushing him! The teachers even called our parents to school. His dad called the police to school and I was interviewed and everything.

Me, that guy and the principal had a chat when I came back from my suspension and he agreed that yes, he was bullying me and he punched me. But to the police he said "I punched, kicked and dragged him"!! I was SHOCKED!! by his comment. My principal didn't wanted to get involved in the police case so, he ended up not saying anything when he could have saved me!!! Well, It went on for few months but I was not guilty because he lied! but luckily I didn't end up getting charged as I was underage.

Anyway, back in school (year 10) everyone stopped talking to me and started calling me "REBEL" . It went on every time I stepped in that school! I was so happy to finish that school in 2011! and never looked back and never will!

It changed me! I get nervous very easily, always have anxiety and every time I walk by someone and they laugh I feel they are laughing at me. I have tried suicide many times but was unsuccessful! I started cutting myself and still do! It helps me all the time. Every time, I get bullied or I am upset about something I cut myself. It's addictive and I am trying to STOP! I just want to disappear! I am tired, tired of what has been happening to me!

~"Bullying Hurts"~

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