袁嘉敏 是前香港小姐,曾於三級片《鴨王》半裸露點演出,成為網上熱話。其後她淡出幕前,不時坐遊艇出海,月租4萬半山豪宅,生活富貴,常被傳被包養。今日她突然於Instagram發文鬧爆鍾培生父子是人渣,更自爆一年來都跟鍾氏父子一起過,被對方請吃三餐,瞬即成為網上熱話。
袁嘉敏鬧鍾培生父子是人渣 認被包三餐 袁嘉敏現年37歲,今日她突然在Instagram上載鍾培生一家三口的合照、印了「鍾」字的利是,更上載鍾培生於淺水灣五層高豪宅,用英文發火炮轟鍾培生兩父子。意思大概是指她認為自己沒有公開講過任何一個人的壞話,但鍾培生和鍾仁偉這兩個人絕對是人渣,很可怕!我總會努力嘗試找出人們身上善良之處,成為一個願意聆聽別人說話,以及在別人有需要時伸出援手的朋友。有時候,當人們自私、膚淺和扭曲,真的令人很失望。與鍾氏在一起的那一年,真是一場噩夢。謝謝你們所有的早餐、午餐、晚餐、酒,也許我前世欠了你們兩個。我不想再詳談,我太仁慈了。
原文:「I don’t think I have ever publicly talked bad about someone. But these two guys Derek and Terence Cheung are absolute jerks, horrendous.I always try to see the goodness in people, try to be a friend who would listen and be there to help when needed. Sometimes it’s fairly disappointing when people are so selfish, superficial and twisted. One year with the Cheung, what a nightmare.Thank you for all the breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the wine. Maybe I owe you two in my past life. No more long chats. I was too kind.」