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Money is not everything









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發表於 2024-3-20 12:34:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

Money is not everything, but you can't do it without money. Money is a very important thing, but we cannot take money too seriously. People who take money as very important have a sensitive and suspicious personality and are not used to trusting others. Anxiety arises, fearing that others will cheat you out of your money, or fearing that others will not pay you back after borrowing money.

People who value money too much will be very narrow-minded, like to take advantage of others, are not generous, and are petty. Therefore, not very likable. On the contrary, those who do not regard money as very important and believe that there is more to pursue than money, often live a prosperous and free life.

Looking at today's society, how many people are unaware of it. When they were young, they did not care about their health. They were reluctant to spend money on check-ups and maintenance. Only when their bodies collapsed did they suddenly realize that without a healthy body, no matter how many problems there are, What's the use of money.

"The world is so big, I want to see it." A resignation letter from teacher Gu Shaoqiang was simple and clear. It was highly sought after by the majority of netizens at the time, and all of them said "Let's go on a casual trip." The purpose of people working is to make money. If you take money too seriously, you will lose the joy of enjoying life.

Making money has become a shackles. I believe that contemporary young people should learn to enjoy life and not work hard all their lives for houses, cars, etc. Don't take these wealth away until you die. Use your limited life to do something more meaningful, and your life will definitely be more exciting.

錢不是萬能,但是沒有錢萬萬不能,錢是很重要的東西,但是,我們又不能把錢看得太重要,把錢看得很重要的人,性格比較敏感多疑,不習慣相信別人,容易 產生焦慮,怕別人騙了你的錢,怕別人借錢後不還。

  錢看的太重要的人,心胸會狹隘很多,喜歡佔小便宜,做人不大方,小家子氣。 因此,不太招人喜歡。 相反,那些將錢看得不怎麼重要,認為除了錢以外,還有更多值得自己追求的人,往往活得風生水起,自由自在。

縱觀當今社會,有多少人都是後知後覺的,年輕的時候把健康不當健康,捨不得花錢檢查、調養,等到身體垮掉了,才幡然醒悟,沒有健康的身體,有再多的 錢又有何用。

  「世界那麼大,我想去看看」顧少強老師的一封辭職信,簡單明了,在當時受大廣大網友的追捧,盡皆出現了「來一場說走就走的旅行」。 人工作的目的是為了賺錢,如果將錢看得太重要,就失去了享受生活的樂趣,

  賺錢就成了一道枷鎖。 我認為,當代年輕人,要學會享受生活,不要為了房子、車子等辛苦一輩子。 這些財富,死不帶走,用有限的生命,去做一些更有意義的事,一定活得更精彩。

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