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發表於 2014-11-7 09:20:42 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最后由 cheers 于 2014-11-7 09:32 编辑

對於地球上這些神秘莫測的地方,人們提出了許多理論來試圖解釋這些奇蹟的存在。 許多人相信在我們之前有一種文明非常先進,而且他們使用了我們未知的技術創建了這些遺址。 此外還有人相信在我們之前沒有文明,我們地球上的任何神秘遺址事實上都是自外太空的外星人留下的,而且它們事實上不屬於地球上的一部分。 還有第三類人稱前面提到的都是假的,這些地點擁有一種儀式和宗教的背景。 今天我們就帶大家盤點一下世界最美的十大神秘歷史遺跡。

對於印加帝國的城市而言,秘魯的馬丘比丘古城是已知保存最好並且得到了細心的關照,它也是世界各地旅行團所關注的焦點。 它曾一度被人們所遺忘,而在某種程度上是在1911年被一位名為海勒姆-賓漢姆的考古學家再次發現。 經過現代考古技術分析,這座遺址大約建成於公元1450年並且事實上是印加統治者的一個庇護所。

哥斯達黎加的石球遺址是地球上另外一個最神秘的地方之一,它也引發了眾多的猜測。 就技術方面而言,這是眾多發現中最神秘的。 奇怪的石球隨意擺放的現象自從20世紀30年代就開始存在,而且當時也被報導過。 它們的尺寸從小到大而且直徑範圍從幾厘米到兩米都有。 用於製作這些石球的岩石(一些石球重達16噸,這些人工製品相當的令人驚奇)是一種名為花崗閃長岩的火成岩。

有那麼一段時間埃及金字塔完全是眾人注意的焦點。 事實上它們被用於埋葬法老以及不是很出名的東西。 這些不出名的東西包括歷史年代、建築方法學以及它們扮演的邏輯學象徵。 這就為這些金字塔增添了美麗和魅力。 人們提出無數的理論來試圖解釋它們的神秘,但是沒有理論能夠完全解答而且每一個理論都有漏洞。 即使是最普通的遊客都會因為這個奇蹟的宏偉壯麗和它們使用的數學運算而肅然起敬。

你還記得讀過古老的瑪雅文明因為預測了世界末日而聞名於世,而且據他們所說2012年世界末日會到來。 奇琴伊察遺址是瑪雅人建造的考古學遺址之一。 在這個遺址上有幾個巨大的岩石建築而且其中更加著名的一個是庫庫爾乾金字塔,另一個被稱為武士神殿。 最有趣的事情是在這些建築物上有一個雨神的雕像,而且據說瑪雅人過去 ​​常常在他們所擁有的某種宗教儀式中使用心臟(順便說一下是仍然跳到的心臟)並且放在雨神面前。 奇琴伊察過去有著巨大的吸引力而且是由瑪雅文明的伊查人建築。

1995年在日本沖繩縣一位游泳者和一位運動潛水員莫名其妙的游到了距離海岸更遠的地方,而且發現了水下的遺址。 這些遺址似 ​​乎有8000年的歷史,而且最初許多人都認為這些遺址不過是流水雕刻的地理結構,但是經過水下探索之後,證實它事實上是人造的。 最顯著的線索是這些台階成形的方式,而且很顯然流水是無法形成台階的。

這個地方讓智利以其現存的巨石陣而聞名於世。 據人們推測這些被稱為摩艾的石雕像是島上古老祭拜儀式的一部分。 它們製成於公元1250年至1500年間。 這些石製雕像中最重的重量大約有86噸。 它們數量眾多所以數百尊雕像都被移動到了島周邊的石台上。

它位於玻利維亞而且也因蒂亞瓦納科文明而聞名。 這個地方引起人類好奇的主要原因是由於它接近17000年的歷史事實。 人們相信某些奇特的技術被用在了這個不復存在的遺址上。 儘管這樣,但在當時這個地方被用作宗教儀式的中心諸如此類的作用是非常清楚的。 同樣明顯的是它在過去也是那個地區的文化中心。 讓人困惑的是這樣的建築如何能夠保持完整。 古代人同樣在那裡建造了一個古老的金字塔,那就是著名的亞卡帕納金字塔。

許多人都聽說過秘魯納斯卡線,它們是世界上最著名的神秘之地。 事實上也有許多人在質疑這樣龐大的線是如何刻到了地球的表面,因為它們肯定不像是一個普通人類能夠完成的事情。 納斯卡線是世界上最龐大也是最不同尋常的化石遺蹟之一。 它恰巧位於彭巴草原沙漠中而且大約有300個圖案是用直線刻畫在沙漠中的。 迄今為止到過那裡的所有遊客對於這些線的存在都給出了各種各樣的解釋,包含了奧林匹克運動會、宇航員、外星人以及流行藝術,但是任何解釋都無法完全解答這個值得見證的景象!

它是那些總是吸引我想要在畢生之年至少 ​​參觀一次的遺蹟之一。 巨石陣位於英格蘭的維爾特郡的附近。 它建成於公元前2500年,這就使它被改造的相當古老而且經歷了一次又一次的改造。 沒人了解它存在的目的,但是它卻是一處最著名的史前歷史遺跡。

羅馬人在公元前16年建造了三座紀念碑似的神廟。 這三座神廟擁有三個院子,周圍有牆環繞著它們。 圍牆使用了一些人類曾經精心製作的最龐大石塊建成。 最大的石塊重量達到了1000噸並且以孕婦石而聞名。








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 樓主| 發表於 2014-11-7 09:23:18 | 顯示全部樓層
World's most beautiful mysterious monuments

For these mysterious places on Earth, many theories have been proposed to try to explain the existence of these miracles. Many people believe that until we have a very advanced civilization, and they use our technology to create these unknown sites. In addition, there were no civilization before we believe that any mysterious ruins on earth since we are in fact aliens from outer space to leave, but they are in fact not part of the planet. There is a third class person mentioned above are false, these sites have a ritual and religious background. Today we bring you the world's ten most beautiful inventory of historical mystery.

Peru's Machu Picchu
For the Inca Empire cities, Peru's Machu Picchu is the best preserved and has been known to attentive care, it is also the focus of tours around the world are concerned. It had once been forgotten, and to some extent in 1911 was a named Hiram - Bingham archaeologists found again. Modern archeology through technical analysis, this ruins was built in about 1450 AD and in fact is a sanctuary of the Inca rulers.

Ruins of stone balls in Costa Rica
Costa Rica is one of the ruins of stone balls Another one of the most mysterious places on Earth, it also led to much speculation. On the technical side, this is one of many found in the most mysterious. Strange stone balls placed at random phenomenon since the 1930s began to exist, but was also been reported before. Their sizes range from small to large and diameter from a few centimeters to two meters are. For the production of these stone balls of rock (some stone balls weighing 16 tons, these artifacts quite surprising) is an igneous rock called granodiorite.

Egypt's Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx
There was a time when the Egyptian pyramids are all completely focus of attention. In fact they are used for the burial of Pharaoh, and not very well known thing. These things are not known, including historical era, architecture methodology and they play logic symbol. This adds beauty and charm of these pyramids. Numerous theories have been proposed to try to explain their mysterious, but no theory can fully answer and each one theory is flawed. Even the most ordinary tourists will be because of this magnificent miracle and they use math and awe.

Mexico's Chichen Itza ruins
Do you remember reading since ancient Mayan civilization predicted the end of the world and famous, and according to what they said in 2012 end of the world will come. Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza is one of the construction of archaeological sites. There are several sites on this huge rock building and which one is more famous library Kurgan pyramid, another is called the warrior shrine. The most interesting thing is that there is a rain god statues in these buildings, and it is said is often used in the heart of the Mayan past they have some kind of religious ceremonies (by the way is still jump to the heart) and put In the rain before God. Chichen Itza in the past has great appeal and is checked by the Iraqi people of the Mayan civilization building.

Japan's Underwater Ruins
1995 in Japan's Okinawa Prefecture a swimmer and a sports diver somehow swam to the farther from the coast, and found the underwater ruins. These sites appear to have 8,000 years of history, and initially many people think is the geographical structure of these sites, but the water carved, but after underwater exploration, confirmed that it is in fact man-made. The most significant clue is the way these steps formed, and obviously water is unable to form a step.

Easter Island, Chile
The place to Chile with its existing Stonehenge and famous. It is speculated that some of these people are called Moai stone like the ancient cult of the island. They are made in the year between 1250-1500. These stone statues in the heaviest weight about 86 tons. So they number many hundreds of statues have been moved to the island around the stone table.

Bolivia Tiahuanaco ruins
It is located in Bolivia but also 因蒂亚瓦纳科 civilization and famous. This place cause human curiosity mainly due to the fact that it is close to 17,000 years of history. It is believed that some strange technique is no longer used in this ruins. Despite this, but at the time this place was used as a sort of ritual center role is very clear. Is equally clear that it is also a cultural center in the past in that area. Confusing is how this building can remain intact. Similarly, where the ancient people built an ancient pyramid, that is the famous pyramid Yucca Pana.

Nazca Lines in Peru Ruins
Many people have heard of Nazca lines, they are the world's most famous mysterious place. In fact there are many people questioning how such a huge line is carved into the surface of the earth, because they are certainly not like a normal human can accomplish things. Nazca Lines is the world's largest and most unusual one fossil remains. It happens to be located in the desert and pampas approximately 300 linear pattern is portrayed in the desert. So far there have been to all visitors to the existence of these lines are given a variety of explanations, including the Olympic Games, astronauts, aliens and pop art, but can not fully answer any interpretation of this scene worth witnessing !

Britain's Stonehenge
It is one of the remains of those who always attracted me to want to visit at least once in the lifetime of. Located near Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England. It was built in 2500 BC, which makes it quite old and was transformed once again experienced a transformation. And nobody knows it exists, but it is one of the most famous prehistoric monuments.

Lebanon Baalbek Romans built a temple in BC three monuments like 16 years. This three temple has three yard, surrounded by a wall surrounded them. Fences used some human largest ever crafted stone built. Maximum weight reached 1000 tons of stones and stone is known to pregnant women.

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