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What overseas Chinese life trap?









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發表於 2014-12-1 20:46:41 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

好不容易適應了西方社會的文化與價值,一旦在中國機會的召喚下回國,卻又要碰到反過來的文化不適應症、即人們常說的“反向文化衝突”。 一個人如果不適應自己從小生長的文化,成為所謂的“假洋鬼子”,不是悲劇是什麼?
始於19世紀的中葉的中國人出國移民和留學的歷史,始終交織著個人謀生與發展和民族救亡與復興這兩大主題。 最早從廣東沿海去北美修鐵路的華工們,他們的出國目的就是為了出賣勞力掙錢活命。 而晚清政府送那些十一二歲的學童赴美留學,其根本動因則是因為:歷史走到了那個年代,中華帝國已經無法閉關自守,不向西方學習和開放,其實已經沒有任何出路!
這個發端於十九世紀中葉、關乎個人與民族生存與興亡的歷史浪潮,在過去二十年裡,達到了新的高潮。 但是與實際需要相比,中國人走向世界的人數與規模,可以說才剛剛開始! 在未來一、二十年中,中國將成為世界上綜合國力最強的國家,而與這個偉大歷史進軍同步前進的,就是中國人民通過各種途徑向世界邁進、與世界融合的過程。 就是當代青年向世界學習、與世界接軌、向世界挑戰的過程!
談笑之間,中國人出國的動機和目的已經發生了根本的變化。 簡單說,出國已經越來越成為中國知識分子出國求學求知,以便回到中國社會,參與國際競爭的一個重要手段,而不再是尋找“生活天堂”的通道。 加入WTO之後,中國與世界的競爭,說到底就是懂得國際規則的國際化人才之間的競爭。
但是,中國人走向世界的道路上,從來都沒有鋪滿鮮花,而是荊棘叢生,充滿了個人生活的失落與錯位。 一方面,青年為了個人和國家的未來,需要出國求知;另一方面,出國卻給出國者帶來重大的挑戰甚至是危機:為了未來,往往要否決現在;為了未知的成功,往往必須放棄已有的成就。 當我看到無數終於獲得成功的幸運兒乘著國際航班飛向藍天的時候,我看到的卻是他們前面坎坷的泥濘小道。 這就是新東方學員們身上所聚焦的當代青年奮鬥的無奈與悖論。
為出國付出慘重代價的朋友們,他們人生可能遭遇到的最大的陷阱、或者影響他們人生幸福的最大陷阱之一是什麼呢? 在我看來,就是每個人都無法避免的中西方文化衝突。 不徹底“融入”西方文化,你就不能在當地生存發展,即使回國,你也不能算是“學成”歸國──留學生最重要的使命,並不是技術,而是對於另外一種文明的把握和傳播。
於是你學習。 但好不容易適應了西方社會的文化與價值,一旦在中國機會的召喚下回國,卻又要碰到反過來的文化不適應症、即人們常說的“反向文化衝突”。 一個人如果不適應自己從小生長的文化,成為所謂的“假洋鬼子”,不是悲劇是什麼?
於是你不回國。 但對於那些留在國外工作定居的朋友來說,他們最大的悲哀在於,經過非凡的努力,適應了西方文化、融入了西方社會、甚至把自己徹底西方化之後,一個永遠無法融合的問題:種族認同的困惑將陪伴他們一生。 種族差異,是文化認同之核心、文明衝突之母。 是幾乎無法協調、融合的初始價值。
讓我舉兩個經典例子來證明我對於種族融合的悲觀主義:加拿大總督伍冰枝女士,是五十年代從香港來到加拿大的第一代移民。 儘管她本人並不把自己當作中國人看,比如她的姓名是:Adrian Clarckson,用的是她的前夫的姓,但她成為總督之後,華人媒體還是把她歡呼為華人從政的光輝代表─ ─在這個例子裡,華人社區把一個與自己血緣相關、但文化並不相同的人,當作了自己人。 伍總督的尷尬是永恆的。 (由於伍冰枝一直不與華人社區進行溝通認同,華人社區在發現自己對伍冰枝肉麻不成趣之後,又對她採取了一種冷淡和排斥的態度──徐小平加註於2005年)
另外一個例子是關於美國國會唯一的一個華人議員David Wu。 他在2001年5月應邀去美國能源部演講,到了門口被警衛大公無私地擋駕在門口,反复詢問他是否是美國公民,他拿出議員證來也沒有用。 使得這位華人在美從政驕傲的象徵人物倍感失落……在這個案例裡面,作為徹底美國化並且攀上國會議員如此高位的David Wu,遇到的是非華人族群、或者可以說是主流社區的“另眼”看待。 吳議員的苦惱是深遠的。 、
伍冰枝或者DavidWu,他們已經是在西方社會登峰造極的華人。 發生在他們身上的這兩個故事,最經典地印證了我想表達的一個主題:在海外生活的華人,也許能夠獲得物質和事業的一切,但有一種東西卻注定有所欠缺:基於民族和種族特點的中華文化環境。 失去這個環境的華人,無論你如何成功,不管你多麼富有,其生活總會令人感到某種巨大的缺憾。 、
為了生存與發展,華人不得不離家背井到海外尋求出路。 但是,人口浩渺的中華民族、幅員廣大的中華故土、影響巨大的中國文明,使得華人出國有了一個非常不同於其他移民族群的特點:這就是全球範圍內炎黃子孫在種族和文化基礎之上的一致認同性。 這種認同性,當大家在國內時,體現出的是一種和諧而充實的生存狀態(比如全國一致歡呼申奧成功,狂歡世界杯出線);當人們到國外時,則表現出一種精神的互相依托和支援。
海外華人,無論什麼身份,什麼狀態,他們永遠的精神依托,就是中華文化的自覺、亞洲祖國的意識。 不同的人對這種認同心理的評價和看法是不一樣的,有人讚美它,有人厭惡它。 但無論如何,它將永遠駐紮在海外華人的靈魂深處。








Rank: 3Rank: 3

 樓主| 發表於 2014-12-1 20:47:04 | 顯示全部樓層
Finally adapted to the culture and values ​​of Western society, once returned to China under the call of opportunity, but do not want to encounter cultural turn indications, often referred to the "reverse culture clash." If a person is not suited to their own culture grew to become so-called "false foreign devil" and what is not a tragedy?
For those who left to work abroad to settle, their greatest tragedy is that, after an extraordinary effort to adapt to the Western culture, into the Western society, even after the problem myself thoroughly Westernized, one can never convergence: ethnic identity Confusion will accompany their life ......
Began in the mid-19th century, the Chinese people and to study the history of emigration, always intertwined with personal livelihood and development, and national salvation and revival of these two themes. Guangdong coast of North America from the earliest to repair the railway laborers who go abroad their purpose is to sell their labor to earn money to survive. The late Qing government sent those eleven-year-old schoolchildren studying in the US, the fundamental motivation is because: history come that time, the Chinese empire has been unable to seclusion, not to learn and open to the West, in fact, has no way out!
This began in the mid-nineteenth century, the tide of history related to personal and national survival and the rise and fall over the past two decades, has reached a new climax. However, compared with the actual needs, the number of Chinese people to the world and scale, we can say only just begun! In the next one or two years, China will become the world's most powerful country's comprehensive national strength, and with this great history into synch, is the Chinese people to the world through a variety of ways forward, the process of integration with the world. That is, to the world of contemporary young people learn, with the world, the process of challenge to the world!
Between laughing, Chinese people going abroad motives and objectives have changed radically. Simply put, going abroad has become an increasingly important means of knowledge of Chinese intellectuals studying abroad to return to Chinese society, to participate in international competition, rather than looking for "living paradise" channel. After joining the WTO, China and the world to compete in the final analysis is to know the rules of international competition between international talent.
However, the Chinese people to the world of the road, never covered with flowers, but thorny, full of loss and dislocation personal life. On the one hand, young people for the future of the individual and the state, the need to go abroad to seek knowledge; on the other hand, gave abroad abroad, bringing significant challenge even the crisis: for the future, and now tend to be rejected; for unknown success, often have to give up already Some achievement. When I finally got to see many of the lucky ones riding on the success of international flights fly to the sky, I see it is bumpy, muddy trail in front of them. This is the New Oriental students who are struggling to focus on contemporary youth frustration and paradox.
What is one of the biggest pitfalls of overseas friends to pay a heavy price, the biggest pitfalls they may encounter in life, or affect their happiness in life is it? In my opinion, that is, everyone can not be avoided in the cultural conflict. Not completely "into the" Western culture, you can not survive in the local development, even to return, you can not be regarded as "studies" students returned ── most important mission, not the technology, but to grasp another civilization and dissemination.
So you learn. But finally adapted to the culture and values ​​of Western society, once returned to China under the call of opportunity, but do not want to encounter cultural turn indications, often referred to the "reverse culture clash." If a person is not suited to their own culture grew to become so-called "false foreign devil" and what is not a tragedy?
So you're not home. But for those who remain friends working abroad to settle, their greatest tragedy is that, after an extraordinary effort to adapt to the Western culture, into the Western society, and even after that they could completely westernized, one can never converged question: Race identity confusion will accompany their lives. Racial differences, is the core, the mother of civilization clash of cultural identity. Is almost impossible to coordinate, the initial value of the integration.
Let me give two classic examples to prove my pessimism for racial integration: Ms. Adrienne Clarkson Governor General of Canada, in the 1950s came to Canada from Hong Kong, the first generation of immigrants. Although she herself did not see themselves as Chinese people, such as her name is: Adrian Clarckson, using the surname of her ex-husband, but then she became governor, the Chinese media still cheering for her brilliant representative of Chinese politics ─ ─ In this example, the Chinese community to one with his own blood-related, but the culture is not the same person as the one of us. Governor Wu embarrassment is eternal. (Because Clarkson has not agreed to communicate with the Chinese community, the Chinese community in Clarkson found himself not interested nauseating after he told her to take a lukewarm attitude ── Xu Xiaoping and exclusion raises in 2005)
Another example is the only one on the US Congress Chinese Members David Wu. He was invited in May 2001 speech to the US Department of Energy, to the door onto trains impartially by the guards at the door, repeatedly asked whether he was an American citizen, he took out a permit Members to no avail. The Chinese politics in the United States makes a proud symbol of the characters feel lost ...... Inside the case, as thoroughly Americanized and climb so high in the congressman David Wu, a non-Chinese ethnic encounter, or can be said that the mainstream community "Another eye" view. Mr Wu's distress is profound. ,
Adrienne Clarkson or DavidWu, they are already at the pinnacle of Chinese Western society. Happened to them in these two stories, the most classic confirms a topic I want to express: the Chinese living overseas, may be able to get all the material and cause, but there is one thing lacking was doomed: Based on the national and Chinese ethnicity and cultural environment. Chinese lose this environment, no matter how successful you are, no matter how rich you are, some people feel their lives will always be a huge gap. ,
In order to survive and develop, the Chinese had to leave home to find a way back to the well to overseas. However, the vast Chinese population, vast Chinese homeland, a tremendous impact on Chinese culture, so that overseas Chinese have a very different from other immigrant groups of features: This is the descendants of the globe at the basis of race and culture of consensus. This identity, and when everyone in the country when, reflecting a harmonious and fulfilling the survival of the state (such as national consensus cheering successful bid, Carnival World Cup qualifying); when people go to a foreign country, then exhibits a spirit of mutual rely on and support.
Overseas Chinese, no matter in what capacity, what state of mind they will always rely on Chinese culture is the conscious awareness of Asian homeland. Different people this identity psychological assessments and opinions are not the same, it was praise it, some people dislike it. Nevertheless, it will always be stationed overseas Chinese in the depths of the soul.

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